Sam Murray
Estimates provide a snapshot of costs to the Client for them to review before you proceed with your Purchase Order. It offers the opportunity for costs to be confirmed from your Client's side and to effectively work as a sign-off for the project.
When creating a new Estimate, you will be able to select your preferred contact at the Client company as well as the date you wish display the Estimate generated for. You are also able to Copy to additional users at the Client company and select whether they are required to approve the Estimate as well.
You will see the Billing and Delivery addresses listed below, with the opportunity to alter the Delivery Address if required. You can choose whether to display the Sales Tax separately to the Client as well as whether to show individual Delivery Dates for each item included.
If you have navigated to this page from another part of the system (selected to add the items to the Estimate from an RFQ or Budget), some of this data may be pre-filled for you. If not, you will have the option to choose each item manually by using the selector to locate Materials and other chargeable items linked to the job.
If not already set from an RFQ or Budget item, you will be able to manually provide quantities and charges here too. You will also be able to choose whether these items appear as optional on the Estimate to the Client. This means they will be optionally selectable, allowing the Client to pick and choose which options they'd prefer. This is especially useful for items you may be providing options for multiple quantities for, allowing the Client to make the choice of how many they would like. The include checkbox governs whether the option is selected by default or not.
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