Purchase Orders

Sam Murray

The process of sending Purchase Orders through the system allows you to capture the paper trail between yourself and your Supplier. These can be sent from having already built out an RFQ for the item or based around an existing relationship and agreed price from a Rate Card.


If you have navigated here directly from an RFQ, you will find much of this information has already been entered for you. As we have already run through the process of confirming quantities, Supplier, addresses etc in the RFQ stage, the system can extract that information and input it into the Purchase Order to save any errors from rekeying and duplicated effort.

You will find fields for choosing the Supplier and the date you would like to set for issuance of the Purchase Order. Also here, you will be able to define the Delivery Address and Delivery date. Here, you can choose whether to set each of these options at an overall or item level. If you choose to set them at an item level, these fields will move down to be associated with each item.

You will be able to define each item you would like to order from the Supplier, which quantity, whether there are any adjustments to be made (for example from an overpayment previously made), any Sales Tax that is required and attach Files or Specifications to provide the data the Supplier requires.


Once your Purchase Order has been sent, the Supplier will need to Accept it from their end, signalled the work has commenced. Also built into this section are a couple of other elements. The Supplier has the ability to lodge Shipping information against each Purchase Order to report when items have been shipped. They will be able to make as many separate shipments as required and it will reflect here for each quantity shipped as well as when the Shipping is completed. They will also attach Proof Of Delivery documents here to ensure the items have been truly shipped and tracked.


Finally, your Supplier will be able to Invoice against each Purchase Order and information around this will appear in-line. They will also be able to attach a file here which will likely take the form of an Invoice document.

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