Customising Your Order
Sam Murray
Sometimes you need to perform a level of customisation to your ordered product. Maybe it's a business card and you need to put some details on there (after all, what is a business card without your details on it!) or a localised poster.
Luckily, this is pretty easy to do. The first thing you'll need to do is head for your basket where you've added your item. From here, there'll be an appropriately labelled 'Customise Now' button for each item that's applicable.
Once you hit that, a new window will open with all of the options available to you shown. If it's possible for the system to predict the information required (again using the example of a business card, your name is a pretty good bet!), this will be auto-filled onto the item. All you need to do is check for any errors and fill in the gaps!
Once you've done this, ensuring to fill all fields with a red line next to it as a minimum, you'll be able to hit 'Preview' at the bottom to see how your item will look.
Hit Done and you're all customised! Continue this process for any remaining customisable items in your basket before checking out and you're finished!
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